Talent Is a Gift from God

talent blog

Your talent is God’s gift to you.

What you do with it is your gift back to God. 
Leo Buscaglia

For as far as I can remember, I have always had some kind of creative utensil with me. Whether it was a simple pencil or pen, or an entire set of acrylic paints, my life would not feel complete if I didn’t have something to express myself.

As a grown-up, I carry around my set of markers and a sketch book and coloring pages. I started doing this before it was a thing.

Talent, blog, tesoros jewelry

When it comes to talent, I don’t know much about that. I certainly am not a Picasso or a Van Gogh. That never stopped me. I color, draw, paint, sew,,, If in my mind I can picture myself doing it, I do.

Talent, tesoros jewelryTalk to my close family and friends and they will say that I have talent. But, I know the truth.

Talent Is Taking Risks

My motto has always been I can do that! Then, I figure it out. As a kid, I put myself in situations from which others would have shied away. It didn’t bother me because I knew that somehow, someway, whatever it was could be done.

Some of my most treasured memories come from doing things for which I had no talent. Acting, playing softball, being a cheer-leader, these are all things that had I not just thrown myself into them, I would never have experienced them. Trust me when I say, I could not catch a fly ball!

The same goes for my art. My art because it is my style, my way of seeing the world. When I Talent, blog, tesoros jewelryfinally gave up the desire to be like others and stopped comparing my work to them, I saw a sudden change.

I am not afraid to be criticized, I welcome constructive criticism.

Talented Jeweler???

When I added jewelry to my creative releases, I didn’t know the slightest thing. Years ago, a co-worker who retired gave me some of her supplies. There was a little box containing many pretty beads and other metal findings. On that day, a seed was planted and my jewelry fascination began.

Many, many years later, needing something to keep me sane, I turned to that little box. It had only been opened once or twice before during moments where I wanted to zone-out. Picking up the beads and playing with them gave me Peace. So, I turned to it again.

Talent, blog, tesoros jewelry
I’m a big kid! I just got this the other day!

This particular time was different. It was the beginning of my journey, one that has been filled with teachable moments, physical and emotional.

Physically, jewelry, as a medium lets me express myself in ways that I couldn’t with other media. I can bend, distort, connect, take apart, something I cannot do while painting. It is that hands-on aspect that does it for me.

Emotionally, I have a connection that I do not share with the other media. There’s spirituality and a sense of completion.

Talent or Savvy

I take risks, now more than ever through my jewelry making. I use tools and materials that I have never used before. Some I have to learn to use from scratch; others trial and error. I feel that talent has nothing to do with it.talent, tesoros jewelry

With this medium I can be me. Me… I see it in my mind and I try and form it. I have noticed less beads and more metal I guess because I can mold it and make it what I want it to be.

Maybe my talent is risk taking! If that is the case then I’m giving back to God a lot of gifts!

So, What Do You Think?

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