Being Creative Means a Lot of Things


Creative: ability or power to create: quality of something createdimaginative

During the months of September though June, I am a full-time, English teacher working at a Juvenile detention center. It is the best and I love it! During weekends and holidays, I create. Nothing else matters! I live for the weekend just so I can use my hands and work on something creative.

Don’t misunderstand me, teaching is probably the most creative of all careers. But as the years have passed, teachers have lost autonomy in the classroom. It is nothing like it was when I first entered the field.

creative, artsybee

My lessons were very creative! Integrating music and art into my classroom helped me connect with the students at a deeper level than I’m allowed today. I still sneak in those moments so that I can grab the kids’ attention, but it really isn’t the same.

It’s funny because I complained about how overworked I felt and yet I totally miss those days.

Creative Months

The summer months are my creative months. July and August are my favorite months because I can totally immerse myself into a project and not care about the time it takes. But these are also my catch-up months. I deal with everything that I have pushed aside the rest of the year: my health, the house, documents stacked up that I must deal with…

You get the idea.

The one thing I always say I will do religiously during my summer break is write; my blog, to be exact. But unfortunately, I find that I have less time to write and connect with my readers because I am so busy with the rest of my life. I also didn’t see writing as part of being creative so it’s been easy to brush it aside.


Then there’s this: I conclude that I have ADHD… I’m serious! It is self-diagnosed but yeah! I cannot get on the computer to write because I go down the rabbit hole and cannot get myself back out of it. I go from site to site doing 10 things instead of focusing on my post.

That is exactly what I do when I sit down to create or to, let’s say, paint the kitchen. I cannot see a paper clip sitting on the kitchen counter. If it bothers me that it is there, there goes the painting. I will pick it up and figure out where it goes. I try to ignore the paper clip, but eventually I go back to it because it irks me.

Just like I lose myself when I open up my Mac, the paper clip completely destroys my rhythm and I’m off. I find 10 other things that need proper placement and suddenly I’m exhausted and the paint has dried.

I think this behavior qualifies me as ADHD…

Creative Writing

Since the break began, I believe I have written three posts. That is certainly not what I was planning. I was writing at least once a week before the end of the school year. The little house I live in is a hungry child. Who knew that when I bought this tiny cottage it would be another project that required my full undivided attention. I did not.

So today, I am trying to catch up and I am writing this post. I know, I know, it isn’t directly related to gems and metals and jewelry. But it is.


The minerals and gemstones I use are the centerpiece and I want you to know exactly what they are. Hence the posts. They aren’t just pretty and colorful and shiny. Their history is rich and stones have interesting attributes. They are the center of legends and myths.

They open conversations between strangers. These stones and minerals have created friendships and have been present at the start of love affairs.

Generations have used them as medicinal remedies and bet their lives on them.

The list goes on and that is why I write my posts. When I shop I like to be informed and so I inform. And this information is way more fun than let’s say, information about a drill.

My outlet is to be creative and writing is also creating so for me it fills the need. I hope that my posts are informative and that after reading you leave a little more filled.

So, What Do You Think?

Leave me a comment!




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